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How ‘What matters to you?’ day started : from heart to hands

Anders Vege describes how asking ‘What matters to you?’ started in a small number of Nor…

Why “what matters” REALLY matters…

Sometimes you might hear people talk about the relational aspects of health and social care as &#822…

What matters to you – a global movement

Since its inception in Norway in 2014, ‘What matters to you?’ day has grown into an international ph…

What matters to you? A Swedish digital conference

Healthcare improvers and innovators in Sweden will be leading the international charge to recognise …

When ‘what matters to you?’ becomes really personal

Two years ago my dear friend Shaun Maher from Scotland invited me to share my personal “What m…

Small things matter

As we have talked to people all over the world about their “what matters to you?” conversations we h…

Providing a safe, private and reflective outside space for people who have to spend time in hospital

Diane Graham experiences first-hand how patients and their families are being supported at Wishaw Ge…

‘What matters to you?’ day visit to Mainstay Trust

Claire Curtis visited Mainstay Trust in Glasgow to see how asking what matters to you? helps empower…

My ‘What matters to you?’ day visit to Stratheden Hospital in NHS Fife

Claire Scrim discovers how finding out what matters to staff encourages personal connections and hel…

A day in the life of ‘what matters to you’ in NHS Lanarkshire

Susan Siegel spent a day with various teams and institutions across NHS Lanarkshire to see the diffe…

NHS Lothian’s Home First Practitioner Service

Linda Mackintosh describes how understanding what really matters has helped NHS Lothian reduce the n…

WMTY18 : An opportune time to reflect on mental health and primary care transformation for all of us

What matters to you? day on 6 June presents an opportunity to reflect on the importance of asking an…

What are the things that are important to you at the moment?

What matters to you? day on 6 June is a fantastic reminder for all of us involved in health and soci…

What matters to me

Margaret Graham McDonald, a Public Partner on the What matters to you? working group, discusses what…

What happens when every day is a ‘What matters to you?’ day?

One of the prominent themes in feedback from our previous ‘What matters to you?’ days ha…

‘What matters to you?’ day in Adelaide, Australia

Adelaide City East Day Hospital is a small accredited day surgery located in Adelaide, South Austral…